Change your regular credit card to a triple-sized bigger one. And this is not a joke.
In the MyBank365 app, you can open the first multicurrency credit card in Ukraine and receive accounts in 3 currencies at once (hryvnia, dollar, euro), use your own and credit funds with a grace period within a credit limit three times higher than most, buy foreign currency for your own and credit funds at the TOP rate from a bank with almost 30 years of experience, and that's not all.
Connect it to Google Pay or Apple Pay, or order a physical card to be able to use it fully.
By signing the Application - Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) and/or the Revolving Credit Line Opening and Maintenance Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the client confirms that he/she has read the Terms and Conditions and the Procedure for Providing Banking Services, which is a public offer (offer) posted on the Bank's website https://www.clhs.com.ua (hereinafter referred to as the Public Offer) and has read the possible consequences for the client in case of using the said banking service or failure to fulfil his/her obligations under the Agreement and the Public Offer.
The client shall be liable for non-fulfilment and/or improper fulfilment of obligations under the agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. All disagreements and disputes arising in connection with the performance of the Banking Service Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations between the parties to the agreement. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Consequences for the Client in case of use of the banking service or failure to fulfil obligations under the agreement on the provision of this banking service:
- when obtaining a loan, the Borrower incurs expenses in the form of interest, commissions and other fees for the Bank's services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement;
- in case of untimely repayment of the loan debt or other breaches of the Agreement, the Borrower may be subject to penalties in accordance with the terms of the Agreement;
- in case of improper performance by the Borrower of its obligations under the Agreement, the Bank has the right to apply to the relevant state authorities to satisfy its claims, including through enforcement;
- in case of improper performance by the Borrower of its obligations under the Agreement, the Bank has the right to apply to collection companies acting in the interests of the Bank.
The Client has the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 calendar days from the date of its conclusion by repaying the loan in full and paying interest for the entire term of use, within 7 days from the date of submission of a written notice of withdrawal from the Agreement.
The Client has the right to early terminate or suspend the Agreement by early full repayment of the loan debt. Any penalties in case of early (full or partial) repayment of the loan shall not be accrued or paid.
If the Agreement provides for the use of a fixed interest rate, the interest rate may be changed only upon written consent of the Bank and the Client by amending the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.
Information about the Borrower is provided to the Credit History Bureau and the Credit Register.
The Bank is prohibited from requiring the Client to purchase any goods or services from the Bank or a related or affiliated person as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services).
The Client has the right to refuse to receive advertising materials by means of remote communication channels.
In the cases specified in the Agreement/Public Offer, the Bank shall have the right to demand early repayment of loan payments and reimbursement of losses incurred by the Bank in breach of the obligation.
The Bank shall not be entitled to unilaterally amend the agreements concluded with clients, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, offer or law.
The Client may refuse to receive advertising materials via remote communication channels by contacting the Bank's manager or the Bank's Contact Centre.