Simple solutions for settlements in national and foreign currencies
By signing the Application - Agreement (hereinafter reffered to as the Agreement), the client confirms that he/she has joined the Terms and Conditions of Banking Services (for individuals), which is a public offer (offer) posted on the Bank's website https://www.clhs.com.ua (hereinafter reffered to as the Public Offer), ands has familiarized himself/herself with the possible consequences for the client in case of using the specified banking service or failure to fulfill his/her obligations under the Agreement and the Public Offer.
Consequences for the client in case of use of the banking service or failure to fulfill obligations under the agreement on the provision of this banking service:
- By accepting the terms and conditions for obtaining banking services provided for in the Public Offer and the Agreement, the client undertakes to pay for the relevant banking services in accordance with the Bank's tariffs;
- in case of violation of the terms of the Public Offer and the Agreement, the client may be subject to penalties in accordance with the terms of the agreement;
- in the event of improper fulfillment of its obligations under the terms of the Public Offer and the Agreement, the Bank has the right to apply to the relevant state authorities to satisfy its claims, including through enforcement;
- in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, income received by the client in accordance with the terms of the Public Offer and the Agreement is subject to taxation.
The Bank is prohibited from requiring the client to purchase any goods or services from the Bank or a related or affiliated person as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services).
The Bank shall not be entitled to unilaterally amend the agreements concluded with the clients, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, the offer or the law.
The Client has the right to withdraw from the banking service agreement if such right is provided for by law.
The Client may refuse to receive advertising materials by means of remote communication channels by contacting the Bank's manager or the Bank's Contact Center.