
JSB "CLEARING HOUSE" offers services for purchasing and selling sovereign bonds.

Sovereign bonds are government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

They are issued in national and foreign currency (US dollars, euros). The nominal value of sovereign bonds is 1,000.00 UAH, 1,000.00 US dollars or 1,000.00 euros.

Payments on sovereign bonds denominated in foreign currency are made by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in foreign currency (repayment, coupon payment (interest)).

The turnover of sovereign bonds is carried out by electronic means in Ukraine. Sovereign bonds are accounted for on the securities account.

Benefits of purchasing sovereign bonds:

  • 100% guaranteed by the state (the budget of Ukraine provides for expenses for payments under the sovereign bonds);
  • preferential taxation of income from operations with sovereign bonds;
  • high liquidity (ability to quickly sell securities on the secondary market);
  • possibility of hedging (insuring) currency risks from drastic exchange rate fluctuations. Sovereign bonds denominated in foreign currency may be purchased for UAH at the exchange rate on the day of purchase, and repayment is made in foreign currency;
  • Sovereign bonds can be used as collateral in bank crediting.

Particularities of taxation of income from operations with sovereign bonds

The income from sovereign bonds consists of investment profit (the difference between the income from the sale or repayment and the expenses for the acquisition of the sovereign bonds) and interest income in the form of a coupon.

The taxpayer's total monthly (annual) taxable income does not include:

  • investment profit from operations on sovereign bonds (item 165.1.52 of the TCU);
  • interest income from operations with sovereign bonds (item 165.1.2 of the TCU).

The amount of income received by the taxpayer in the form of investment profits and interest income on operations with sovereign bonds is subject to military tax at the rate of 1.5% (clause 1.7 of article 161 of the TCU).

To purchase sovereign bonds, you must:

  • contact your personal manager for advice on purchasing sovereign bonds;
  • open a current account in the Bank in national and/or foreign currency;
  • open a securities account in the Bank;
  • transfer the funds necessary for the purchase of the declared sovereign bonds to the current account;
  • conclude a securities purchase and sale agreement with the Bank.