BANK «CLEARING HOUSE» pays great attention to compliance with the laws, market standards, corporate ethics rules and avoiding conflicts of interest.
JSB «CLEARING HOUSE» values its reputation as a reliable financial institution and understands that the Bank's customers and partners expect fair and impartial performance by the Bank's officials of their functional duties. The trust of customers and partners is ensured by the provision of banking services in compliance with professional ethics, which performed in accordance with the highest quality standards. For this purpose, the Bank has developed The Code of Conduct (Corporate Ethics) of JSB «CLEARING HOUSE», designed to establish high standards of conduct:
The Code of Conduct (Corporate Ethics) of JSB «CLEARING HOUSE»
With the aim of preventing the occurrence a conflict of interest, which can cause financial and reputational losses, the Bank has developed The Conflicts of Interest Prevention Policy of JSB «CLEARING HOUSE»:
The Conflicts of Interest Prevention Policy of JSB «CLEARING HOUSE»
The Bank's employees provide the conflicts of interest management in order to avoid conflicts between their personal interests and job responsibilities, which affects the conscientious performance of their powers in the Bank.
If you know the facts of improper behavior of the Bank's employees, which may cause financial, reputational and other losses to the Bank and clients (non-compliance with the law, improper banking and/or commercial secrecy, and/or confidential information, unethical behavior of the employee, unethical employee behavior, abuse of official position, which may harm the interests of the Bank and its reputation, etc), you can inform us about it by sending an appropriate message.
The Notifications of Violation
The notifications of behavior that does not comply with the Bank's corporate and professional standards, as well as any violations of applicable law, can be sent to:
When filling in the message, please adhere to the following recommendations:
1. In the notification, it is desirable to indicate the name of the branch, sector, department or other structural unit of the Bank, as well as the full name and the position of the person who, in your opinion, committed an ethical offense and/or violated the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.
2. In the notification of violation, it is necessary to indicate the date of the incident (the date of committing an ethical misconduct and/or violated the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine by the Bank's official). Please note that a violation notification submitted more than 6 months after the incident may not be considered. You will be notified of such decision if you leave contact information.
3. It is necessary to choose the subject of the notification and justify what the violation is, and also, if possible, provide evidence.
4. If you indicate your first name, last name and contact details, we will definitely inform you the results of the audit (the notification can be anonymous, and it will also be considered).
5. The notifications of violation which written with the aim of resolving personal conflicts with Bank officials will not be considered. Please note that such actions can harm another person, as well as an infringement on the rights of another person.
We are interested in receiving timely and reliable information, therefore, each complaint about inappropriate behavior, conflicts of interest, as well as any violations of the current legislation will be definitely considered.