Кредит на фінансування агровиробників

A loan that will allow agricultural producers to obtain financing for the active sowing season.

Main terms of financing:

  • The maximum possible loan amount/lending limit is UAH 50 million. The client's participation in the loan project with his own funds is not less than 30% of the amount of the financed costs.
  • Lending currency - hryvnia.
  • Type of lending - in the form of a credit line.
  • Purpose - to finance the costs of sowing, care and harvesting (purchase of fertilizers, seeds, fuels and lubricants, fuel, spare parts, and other operating expenses).
  • Loan/loan limit validity period: the maximum term should not exceed 12 months (in some cases, it may exceed 12 months, taking into account the active season (time for sowing and harvesting of certain crops)).
  • The term of the tranche is within the maximum term of the credit limit.
  • Payment of accrued interest is made on a monthly basis.

Type of collateral:

  • Guarantee of business owners,
  • real estate,
  • current assets (goods in processing, goods in circulation, finished goods),
  • equipment,
  • vehicles, machinery and agricultural equipment.